Curated by the fine people over at Corey Helford Gallery, as well as the legendary grafitti artists, RISK, comes the upcoming exhibition, “The Fine Art of Street and Graffiti”. It’s going to be featuring a large roster of icons from the street art scene, including new pieces by: Ahoy, Aspire, Barlo, Bates, Beau Stanton, Bio Tats Cru, Bisco Smith, Buff Monster, CES, Candybird, Caratoes, Cryptik, D*FACE, Defer, EINE, Estevan Oriol, Faith XLVII, HOXXOH, HUSH, Herakut, Jecks, Jillian Evelyn, Kano, Kwest, La Belle Epoque, Lauren YS, Logan Hicks, Mauy, Messy Desk, Miss Van, OG Abel, Okuda San Miguel, Pure Evil, Quick, RISK, Ramiro Davaro-Comas, Ron English, SEEN, seenaeme, Sel, Senna, Sever, Simple Bao, Skeme, Starman, Taz, Vyal and Zlism
Of course, The Chelsea Tribe will be heading to Corey Helford Gallery to celebrate the good times and check out some outstanding art.

The Fine Art of Street and Graffiti opens Saturday, April 6 from 7pm-11pm in the Main Gallery, alongside solo shows from Ben Frost in Gallery 2 and Josie Morway in Gallery 3. The reception is open to the public and all shows will be on view through Saturday, May 11. Corey Helford Gallery is located at 571 S. Anderson St. Los Angeles, CA 90033 and normal hours are Tuesday – Saturday, from 12pm – 6pm.